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Museum of the Future + the Human Condition (motf+thc)
MotF+THC provides an overarching conceptual frame for a body of work Nicodemus has started in 2015 and intends to complete by 2030.
It culminates in the creation of two interlocking assemblages, a retrospective exhibition, called the Museum of the Future (MotF), that showcases selected works of art created during this 15-year period, and The Human Condition (THC), a modular performance that directly draws on that material.
Each piece/concept included in MotF is grounded in at least one of currently eight political impulses, which together form what Nicodemus calls the emergent anatomy of a new political culture.
In keeping with his wider collaborative agenda, Nicodemus also considers incorporating a curatorial element, which would open the project (MofT) up to other artists interested in contributing work.